About SAndplay

Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.
— Carl Jung

What is Sandplay

Sandplay is an expressive therapy for anyone of any age, developed by the Swiss Jungian analyst Dora Kalff in the 1950’s. It is a merging of the ideas of Depth Psychologist Carl Jung and Margaret Lowenfeld’s “World Technique.” Through spontaneous play and connecting with symbols in the sand, healing and psychological change occurs. The sandtray provides a safe and contained space for what is in the unconscious to come forward and be processed. As it is non-verbal, it can appeal to people who have experienced trauma or who are more comfortable not talking in session. If talk therapy has historically not worked for you, sandplay offers an alternate approach to reaching your therapeutic goals.

How Sandplay works

Sandplay is non-verbal and non-directive, meaning I follow your (or your child’s) lead in the play and do not direct or narrate the play. Unlike other therapies, the purpose is not to interpret or try to make sense of the play. The “goal” is not to think, but to connect with your unconscious and intuition and feel. I go where you go in the moment and we see where the play takes us. My focus is on holding the free and protected space so you can do the work you want to do. You can talk as you work or say nothing at all. It is your process and almost everything is allowed.

This is a great video if you’d like to know more:

What we use

A sandplay therapist typically has two sandtrays (of a specified size), one wet and one dry, where you can work. If you want you can play solely in the sand and manipulate it or you can place objects selected from the shelves in the office into the sandtrays. There are many different figures and objects, whether man made or found in nature, from which to choose. I also have tools like brushes, buckets/pitchers, sticks, that facilitate working in the sand. It’s an intuitive process so do what feels right for you in the moment.

Ongoing Supervision

As I am completing my certification as a Sandplay therapist with the Canadian Association for Sandplay Therapy (https://www.sandplaycanada.ca), I undergo regular supervision with experienced certified Sandplay therapists.